The professional sports organization of the karate world BoutsPro launched its own crypto currency. BoutsPro will transform the ecosystem of about 190 million martial communities. He will turn amateur tournaments into professionals around the world according to the roadmap, designed for the next 4 years.
The main purpose of crypto currency launch is to transform karate into professional karate, as well as sport for the future. Signs from BoutsPro will create ecosystems for different types of programs and financial activities.
Millions of people practice amateur karate. However, amateur karate is defined as a sport, and here the athletes must bear all the expenses associated with their practice and appearance. Then, as a karate professional has become a sport, and here, on the other hand, athletes have been rewarded for their performances in the tournament. Thanks to BoutsPro, the ordinary sportsman can turn into a true professional. Anyone can get help from BoutsPro, from beginners who are only studying to professionals.
2. Why Need Blockchain?
Today, karate is very popular. The number of communities, including teachers, students, practitioners, academics, is over 190 million worldwide. To unite all participants in one system, you need a strong management system fund, which generates revenue from various sources, such as tournament sponsorships, event sponsors, participant registration, advertising and so on. It is necessary to meet the funding requirements associated with health insurance, athlete's social security, staff salaries, fees for tournaments and events, as well as prize money and advertising.
Currency technology and block chains will help solve problems related to industrial payments and funds management. Blockchain technology will build trust management and simplify the currency, and therefore will enable to achieve transparency and efficiency at the technological level. It will be a system that will be able to manage the entire system, and a new technology will attract the attention of new companies, investors, sports sponsors of karate, who will benefit from mutual benefits.
Thanks to Blockchain technology, it is possible to optimize the global infrastructure to solve global problems in this space more efficiently than the systems available to date. The block chain is a general list of all transactions that have ever been executed. The key is the "current" part of a block chain that records some or all of the latter, and then ends in a block chain as a permanent database. After the block is complete, a new block is created. Blocks are related to each other in a linear chronological order with each block.
Thus, Blockchain is similar to the history of complete banking operations. Transactions entered in chronological order in the living room are similar to banking transactions, and the block itself resembles an individual bank statement. A full copy of blockchain has a record of every completed bitlock transaction. All this provides a complete picture of all operations performed at any time.
3. Technical details
Bout token (ERC20) utilizes the widely accepted Ethereal Block Chain technology as well as secure, fast and transparent. Similar to how the HTTP protocol defines the Internet, ERC20 is a protocol that defines a series of commands that must be implemented by a token. The ERC20 protocol standard contains the basic functions that the token should apply to enable trading.
This includes transferring tokens, asking for token balances at certain addresses, and token supply totals. The token compliant ERC20 all have the same function, with the same name, which takes the same argument. You can create a token exchange system that lets you quickly add new tokens to your platform when they are released, as long as they follow the ERC20 standard.
The end result is less risk, more uniformity, reduced complexity, and increased token liquidity. Successful ICOs may submit their ERC20 tokens on the exchange without any communication between them and the exchange developer.
4. Business Scope
+ New Registration Fee: Karate athletes can register on centralized portal of BoutsPro, after completion of basic formalities through the local Board/Representative. They will get all information e.g. ranking, upcoming events/tournaments as well as educational & training lessons.
+ Annual Renewal Fee: Member registration includes tournament participation fee (1 year), educational & training support, maintenance of online records & ranking. Membership should be renewed every year.
+ Project CuppaSchoola: BoutsPro shares the principles of vBelieve Sports, “Nurture the Future” by infusing scholarship to our young talent filtered
through multiple programme of CuppaSchoola. We are targeting 100,000 schools in our first phase of CuppaSchoola program.
+ Event & Tournament tickets: Event & Tournament tickets will also be the major part of revenue. Tickets can be sold online by using BoutsPro tokens.
+ Franchise/Team Sale: Along with the World Series, we also have designed private club / team. These teams will participate in World Professional Karate League. Franchise of team will be sold on revenue share module.
+ Advertisement: BoutsPro has designed different types of advertisement categories e.g. online advertisement of our portals & applications, advertisement banner on different sights of Dojos & Stadiums. The advertisement slots will be sold online through BoutsPro tokens.
+ Sponsorship: Like other sports, we attract sponsorship for our various events.
+ Sports Insurance: We are shortly coming up with Sports Insurances. We provide insurance to all the athletes.
+ BoutsPro.TV: BoutsPro.TV brings all faculties of entertainment industry under one roof. It is established in collaboration with QuickMedia and Pozetta Broadcasters of Czech Republic that primarily facilitates AKAMAI platform for live streaming of video feeds and video-on-demand. BoutsPro.TV plans to expand into film and television production as well as online distribution. We plan to enter into content-production industry by 2018
+ Gaming: Based on our Karate theme & world championship, we are working on different types of video games. We are also in a process of tie-up with online game development companies. The purpose of these games is to provide healthy entertainment and educate basics of karate to the common people as well athletes. BoutsPro token will required on the different states in the game & the players can also convert their scores/rewards in BoutsPro tokens.
+ Movie Production: Movies had played significant role to popularise Karate worldwide. Movies like “The Karate Kid” & “Kung Fu Panda” have made great impact on young generation and encourage them to learn karate.
“Bruce Lee”, “Jackie Chan”, “Jet Li”, “Donnie Yen”, “Michelle Yeoh”, “Kara Hui” & “Cynthia Rothrock” are among the movie stars who played major role to make Karate famous among common people. Understanding the power of movies, BoutsPro decided to produce one world class movie based on Karate, every year.
+ Dojo & Stadium: BoutsPro has planned to create World Class Stadiums/Dojos worldwide. In our first phase we are in a process to initiate of around 100 Stadiums & Dojos. Athletes will get the chance practice with better opponent and get the guidance of legendry coaches & trainers.
+ BoutsPro Cards: We have designed three different types of cards. These cards will provide access of our services (BoutsPro.TV, Games, Apps, Premium pass for tournaments etc.) to sports lovers.
+ BoutsPro Global Schools: We have planned to establish BoutsPro Global Schools for regular mainstream education in most innovative ways. The said project is to be implemented in collaboration with various governments in each continents of the World. The process is already initiated in Serbia (Europe) and Indonesia (Asia).
5. BoutsPro ICO
BoutsPro is planning to launch it token sale on the global platform & make it available for all participants. Details of BoutsPro tokens are as below:
Token Name: BoutsPro
Ticker: BOUTS
Total Supply: 2,000,000,000
Hard Cap (ICO): 1,000,000,000
Minable: No
ICO Base Price: 9000 BOUTS/ETH
Smart Contract: Will be announced later
Currency Accepted: Ether
Standard gas price: 20 Gwei
Minimum Purchase: 0.1 ETH
Distribution of Tokens
+ 50% — ICO (Public Crowd Funding)
+ 25% — Community (# Available for Karate Community on ICO Base price)
+ 10% — Dev Fund (* Locked for 1 year in Smart Contract)
+ 5% — Rewards (Rewards & Support fund for players & trainers)
+ 3% — Bounty Campaign (Social Bounty, Bug Bounty, Translations, Give away & Airdrop)
+ 2% — Advisors
+ 5% — Reserve Fund (Future requirement or Backup)
6. Roadmap
More Information Sites : https://www.bouts.pro
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boutspro
Twitter: https://twitter.com/boutspro
Telegram: https://t.me/boutspro
Paper white: https://www.bouts.pro/whitepaper
BitcoinTalk Name: petes ireng
BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1255738
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