Currently Online Poker Market
The online gambling size was expected to reach USD 51.96 bn dollars in 2018, and online poker is a huge chunk of online gaming. The market is expected to reach USD 59.79 bn dollars in the year 2020.
Half a decade back, the online poker industry encountered some slowdowns due to regulatory controls, but after efforts made by online poker rooms to improve transparency and FairPlay, more and more gamers are encouraged to playing online. There have also been certain legislative reforms that have made online poker more organised and attractive for players.
With so much to consider, it really isn’t reasonable to expect players to find the poker sites with easiest cashouts on their own – So Cryptonia Poker brings together the thrill of poker with the transparency and value of cryptocurrency in an online poker room that is based on blockchain technology. You can now use Cryptonia, your own poker cryptocurrency, to play poker online in a flexible manner.
The players can benefit from the availability of competitive rakes, discounts and value additions offered through our regular business promotions, and potential appreciation of their Cryptonia that is linked with the building of a robust poker economy around the currency.
Control over funds and withdrawals
Delays and rigidity in funding of poker accounts and withdrawal of funds discourage players from playing online. Often there are various bank regulations, requirements of payment processors, and rules set by poker rooms that reduce players’ control over their own funds. In extreme cases, funds were frozen or accounts banned, and in some cases, the transaction charges were very high.
Cryptocurrency used in poker rooms
In Cryptonia Poker rooms, gamers can play with Cryptonias, which are etherum-based tokens. Cryptonia is a cryptocurrency initiated for our poker rooms.
It can be purchased and sold from anywhere in the world. However, Cryptonia can be used to play poker only from regions where online poker is legal, licensed, and not governed by the local laws.
With easy fund transfer system, people from various regions can play online poker, and the etherum-based currency helps minimise the transaction time, adding to the liquidity of the players, and hence making the ecosystem more efficient.

About ICO
Cryptonia Poker is all set to launch. Cryptonia is the official currency on the platform. We are starting with an ICO (Initial Cryptonia Offering), in which the players can buy 75% of our tokens.
Out of the rest, 20% is being reserved for business promotions and tournaments that will add value to our customer’s holdings, and 5% will be made available to promotors, management and advisors to continue adding value to the platform.

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