INSPEM uses the artificial intelligence technology to recognize faces and objects using mobile phones and static cameras, built on top of the blockchain inducing complete transparency.
INSPEM LLC was founded in 2015. The legal entity was registered on April 03, 2015 with a D-U-N-S Number: 102122-196939
INSPEM has a working app for android & iOS with more than 20,000 downloads already.
INSPEM has more than 10 000 registered users. The main website is www.inspem.com and can be translated to 28 languages.

When the INSPEM service was introduce in year 2015, it allowed users to find people they randomly encounter. INSPEM thought the idea would be used rampantly by the male majority, but to the team's surprise, as the statistical data shows, 40% of the app users' population are femaes. Ladies have been simply taking pictures of the guys they likedon the streets from the afar, uploading those pictures to our service and waiting for some acquaintance to recognize that guy and share his social network profile.

- MISSING PEOPLE SEARCH-> Search for missing people are still conducted by using flashlights. Search squads and special services is using an inefficient method but with INSPEM, this will go on an evolution!
- WITNESSES SEARCH-> Find witnesses or video footage when something is stolen from you.
- BYSTANDERS SEARCH-> Looking for a person, who was in a specific place at specific time and you don't know how to find them? It is now possible within a few clicks!
- SEARCH FOR CRIMINALS-> The security of the city is provided by CCTV Cameras, however many districts drop out of sight range of vision. There are blind spots even in central areas. The surveillance is hindered during mass arrangements. We will help to solve this problem!

- AI-assisted people search-> Employment of learning neural networks allow to reach exceptional video analytics effectiveness results. The search for the required person comes to a brand new level.
- The whole world under sight-> By 2020 there would be more than 1 billion of vidceo cameras worldcwide. Any of those devices would be able to operate under our platform.
- Safety + Health-> Active implementation of partner services, which are targeted on the city safety improvement, ranging from the online registration of street fights and robberies with immediate transfer of such information to the appropriate services, to saving lives through prompt responce.
For government structures
We are quite open for collaboration with the government services, which conduct people searches, but are limited with their resources or meet with one or more of the following obstacles: lack of video cameras in certain areas, dead zones, poor video quality, etc. We aim to become a direct contributor to the establishment of safe cities. Here is the example: mass events. In order to provide safety the government organs connect to the platform, specify the event’s area and upload their criminals’ pictures database. This becomes a priority task for INSPEM. Additional miners are being connected and the enhanced analysis is being carried out.
To save people’s lives
The rescue services and the fellow citizens who help a sick bystander could use our technology. Here's an example: a person on the street with a heart failure requires urgent assistance. Bystanders show certain gestures to the nearest surveillance camera, in a few minutes a drone that carries a diffibrilator/medkit/oxygen mask/etc appears. As a first prototype solution we consider collaboration with Ambulance Drone by TuDelft.
For users
Our technology allows to solve a lot of everyday tasks, when you do not know the first and last names of the person, who was in a specific location at a specific time. An example of such tasks: a person got their bag stolen or lost their documents and knows the approximate position of that event. He submits an announcement to the system with a specified geolocation, and all the bystanders who were in that spot at that time can help them. Perhaps, they saw that incident or captured something relevant on their car’s driving recorder. A person searches for a car crush witnesses and is ready to pay for video captured from a car that was driving by, when the accident occurred. Anyone who has a relevant footage could help him. Another person simply marks the key points of the route on which they have been driving on today and instantaneously see the footage requests (if the person installs our smartphone application, the route would be created automatically). They receive a reward and help the victim. 8 Desired person search. This task got our project started. The amount of registered people and announcements submitted to the INSPEM service directly demonstrate its potential. A guy liked a girl he saw on a concert, or in the park/on a subway/in a cafe, but he was too shy to get acquainted. How would he find her now? He should submit an announcement to our service with the geolocation and
exact time when he met her, and then wait for her response, or for her friends to share a link to her social network profile. Our statistics have shown, that the women submitted almost a half of all announcements.
Who pays for this?
The most concerned person in our structure is the user, who searches for specific people or witnesses/bystanders from a certain scene. They require information on a person, or a footage from the scene. These people are ready to pay for the valuable information. They already pay us within the framework of current INSPEM service with not fully realized functionality.
Why blockchain?
On a worldwide scale, processing of large video streams require huge capacities and resources. Our platform is compatible with the «smart» cameras that already perform the primary video processing and provide ready face images, which would significantly reduce the network load. Nevertheless, not everybody have such cameras. That is why we will employ miners' capacities as the most effective and rational mean for video analytics based on neural networks.
During Pre-Sale and ICO the INSPEM platform releases and distributes the INP token. All the expenditure reports automatically register into the Ethereum blockchain. The INSPEM team would also publish detailed reports concerning the expenses. The reports are published on the official INSPEM blog:

● 80% of tokens would be distributed to investors during the ICO;
● 15% of tokens would be dedicated to founders and developers;
● 5% of tokens would be spent within the bounty campaign framework.

● 40% - development and integration. Developing the INSPEM platform based on the already existing MVP with deep machine learning (artificial intelligence) and blockchain technology. Integration of partner systems with the INSPEM platform and the «smart cities» connection in order to access the maximal possible number of cameras around the world. Renovation of the mobile applications and web-platform. Developing of our own API for interaction of any video devices with our software.
● 30% - marketing expenses for participation in the international exhibitions,
PR, users and partners engaging for swift exponential growth;
● 20% - primary fund for token maintenance of token exchange liquidity and
INP buy-back from the investors;
● 10% - operating expenses for the office, legal support.
Realization of Pre-Sale:

Realization of ICO:

To know more about INSPEM,
You can visit the following:
Website - https://ico.inspem.com
Medium - https://medium.com/@inspem
Github - https://github.com/CROMLEHG/INSPEM
Telegram - https://t.me/inspem
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