Breakthrough digital solutions related to Cryptocurrency transactions. Use the new ownership feature to make ZeCash Ze the next gen of Coin. New Protocols to Secure Proof of Stake, new Staking concepts, new anonymity features, lightning network processing, and more at our WHITEPAPER. For e-commerce, personal payments, online business, retail stores. ZeCash will speed up transactions with clients and suppliers in a decentralized safe environment.
Unleash the financial potential with Zecash
- INVESTOrder your ZeCash Token now, you will qualify later to ZeCash Coin when it will be released. Tokenswill be excluded from highly secure smart contracts.
- GET MONEY WITH STAKINGZeCash will use the Proof of Stake protocol to process transactions. This results in the remuneration of eachZeCash holder by "Staking" meaning having their coin in the Wallet for "Mint". The more ZeCashyou hold, the more you earn, up to 5% every month.
- TRADINGWe strongly believe in competing with coin majors such as Bitcoin / Ethereum / Litecoin or Dash. ZeCash will belisted in various exchanges and because our core projects are strong we expect the same volume and volatility.
What is Stake Proof?
Proof of Stake (POS) is a type of algorithm in which the distributed distribution is achieved by a network of Cryptocurrency blocks. The creator of the next block in Cryptocurrency based POS is selected or selected through various combinations of random selection and wealth or age (Stake). Compared to Cryptocurrency based on Proof of Work (POW) like Bitcoin uses intricate cryptographic puzzles to mark valid transactions and create new blocks.
There must be a way to select the next valid block in each block chain. If the selection is made through the account balance, it will generate undesirable centralization as the single richest member will have a permanent gain. To avoid this, several methods have been designed. Before we discuss about the Proof of stake scheme and protocols in Zecash coins, let's talk about the pioneer, Proof of Work (POW).
Advantages of POS
The currency using the Proof of Stake can be a thousand times more effective than the cost of Proof of Work depending on energy use. Following the Bitcoin mine operator, energy consumption reaches 11,388 KWh per Bitcoin in 2014. This is equivalent to burning 752 gallons of gasoline, in terms of carbon production. Also, incentives are obtained by various block producers. In the case of Proof of Work, the generator may or may not have the currency they are mining. Maximizing their own profits is the only incentive for miners. While in Proof of Stake, miners who guide coins are always people who have coins.
Stand with Zecash
This is an incentive process to reward people who lock their Zecash coins into their wallets to validate transactions. Our users are involved in the purchase of coins and will remain in the wallet for a certain period of time. Similarly, keep money in fixed deposits for a fixed period of time. Here, the owner of the new block is selected based on a person's bet. The stakes here translate as far as wealth or the number of users of Zecash coin holders owns theirs.
The more time our Zecash holders will Mint / save their coins, then the high is the prize. It will be given for 3 months you will get 15%, for 6 months you will get 30% and for 12 months it will be full 60%.
Rely on Profits
No need to spend a lot of money to buy a large mining area. The initial investment required for that is just a simple computer connected to the internet and a Wallet with Zecash Coin. The balance in the wallet grows; You just have to wait a while. At the same time, the value of Zecash coins will increase. There is a security deposit involved because the Zecash Coin value will increase due to its success simultaneously with the number of coins you hold on your wallet.
That's how Zecash Minting is possible. The number of coins you can print exactly matches the number of coins you have in your wallet. This is very similar to holding a bank account on a personal computer.
How does it work?
The Lightning Network relies on technology under a chain of blocks. By using Bitcoin / block chain real transactions and using a genuine intelligent contract script language, it is possible to create secure participant networks that can transact at high volume and high speed.
Zecash will offer instant payment from the Lightning Network Payment System
Block payment chain at lightning speed without worrying about block confirmation time.
Security is enforced by smart-contract chain blocks without creating a single transaction block for individual payments. Payment speed is measured in milliseconds to seconds.
Features ZeCash
- TheZecash quick process will offer the Lightning Network system to process Instant Payments and quick publishing.
- ZeProtocolCuts the hedging ownership protocol to process Postal transactions on the High Security Level.
- Proof StakeEnvironmentally Friendly from Proof of Work. Miners / Minters get more profit because they only needan ordinary computer to process Zecash coin transactions.
- ZeCash's controlled supply will have a Cap of supply to continue to keep rising in price and no dilutionof future ZeCash holders.
- SpyingGet rewards by simply holding ZeCash coins in your Wallet to validate transactions. Fairbet with CABS and RBS protocol.
- DecentralizationThe global network of computers - not a single network - manages the database together, thus recordingZeCash transactions worldwide.
- ZeAnon ZeAnon'sproprietary feature will allow it to process full anonymity using techniques such asRe-mixing Transactions and Ring signatures.
- ZeWalletWallet Windows / Linux / Mobile. Redirect automatically to major like bitcoin / eth from wallet.
ZCH Sales Token
- Token Symbol: ZCH
- Total Token Supply: 500,000,000
- Token Hard CAP: 500,000,000
- Currencies Accepted: BTC / ETH / LTC / XMR / DASH / BCH
- Rate ZCH / USD: 1 / 0.10 $
- Rate ZCH / BTC: 1 / ~ 0,00001
- Rate ZCH / ETH: 1 / ~ 0.0002
Token Distribution

- General Sales 75%
- Team Owned 15%
- Institutional 10%
Allocation of Token

- ZeCash Dev 65%
- Marketing 20%
- Operation 10%
- Law 5%

After seeing Cryptocurrency and the appropriate block chains technology, it can be argued that discussing about their interests can not be more whipped. They are here to stay, because their superiority over traditional systems can not be ignored. Your private key is your bank account that has no censorship and supervision.
For more information and joining Zecash social media at this time please visit the following link:
- More information at:Website: https://ze.cash/White Paper: https://ze.cash/assets/docs/Zecash_Whitepaper.pdf
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