
Greetings Community,
The revolution of stock photography
Photochain uses blockchain technology to rediscover photostocks around buyers and sellers.
Blockchain allows fully secure and verifiable transactions for both buyers and sellers. You can trust your works are safe.
Digital works are encrypted and stored on the decentralized database. No central business controls your uploaded photography.
The DApp is to be used exclusively for trading photography. We use bots to ensure only acceptable content is listed.
Your work is permanently linked to your identity throughout the blockchain. This and machine learning plus our active community, protect you against fraud.
Photochain Vision

Photochain's Mission
Photochain gives clear advantages over conventional photo stocks to both kinds of users: contributors and customers. Contributors at Photochain benefits from an extremely low fee - only 5% of the selling price. This opportunity to keep 95% of the final sale price allows contributors to offer their work cheaper, and consequently the market becomes more affordable for customers. This type of fair market not only benefits the photography industry as a whole, as the possibility of increased income incentivizes contributors to perform better.
These profound market changes are made using blockchain technology, Smart Contracts, machine learning and Photochain's own user community. Most of the processes become automated and decentralized, reducing costs of platform governance. It is unavoidable that more and more stock photography contributors and customers will prefer to use Photochain.
The development of the Photochain platform is an ambitious and organically growing process. Our main aims for the project come under three significant prongs:
• P2P Marketplace
It is very important to us that buyers can buy their products. Our platform provides the opportunity to synergies from Blockchain technology and machine learning.
• Crypto Economy
The platform Photochain appeals to a broad audience that are still adopted of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. The relatable use case of "Photochain" will appeal to this audience. The easy-to-use GUI and trading processes facilitate the onboarding process and support the Crypto Economy to become mainstream.
• Photochain Digital Copyright Chain: DCC
Over the course of the project, more and more artists will be able to strengthen their copyright using the Photochain platform, since their works will be linked to their name. This link is manifested as a transaction in the Ethereum blockchain and is therefore visible to all users at all times. This means that the artist's ownership of the image can be accounted for. The database with all manifested links has been constructed in a decentralized way, (for further details, see chapter 2). We call this database a DCC.
Photochain's Ecosystem
The Photochain DApp is a specialized platform in the trade of stock photography, in which the processes are reduced to a minimum requirement in order to guarantee simplicity and transparency.
Photochain Token
We are realizing the Photochain DApp through the token sale Photon. We have successfully completed our private pre-sale and our main sale will begin on 25th March 2018.
In line with best practices during the sale, the amount of Photon tokens will have a realistic hard cap, at which point we will close the sale. PHT tokens will be following the end of the main sale. It may take up to 30 days to fully distribute all tokens.
To prevent us from falling foul of potential futures regulations, we ask for a KYC and anti-money laundering check for each contributor to the token sales. This protects both contributors and us. This also reflects our long-term commitment to comply with all legal and regulatory requirements that may be required of us.
PHOTON Token est le moyen de récompense dans l'écosystème Photochain et représente la tokenisation des œuvres visuelles numériques.
Standard: Ethereum ERC20, basé sur l'utilitaire
Max Supply (Hard Cap): 230 000 000
Date de sortie: émise après le financement participatif
Valeur représentée: tokenisation des œuvres visuelles numériques

Feuille de route
Avril 2017
Idée, analyse de rentabilisation et étude de marché
Juin 2017
Evaluation de projet
Développement du prototype DApp
Septembre 2017
Stratégie et design
Mise en service du prototype DApp
Octobre-Novembre 2017
Préparation pour crowdsale
Activités de communication et de marketing
Engagement de la communauté Blockchain
Engagement de la communauté photographique
Forme juridique
Conseillers et nouveaux membres de l'équipe
Décembre 2017
Pré-vente privée à des réductions spéciales pour les supporters eraly
Janvier 2018
Préparations privées avant la vente
Pré-vente privée à des rabais spéciaux pour les premiers partisans
Documentation et planification améliorées
Nouveaux membres de l'équipe
Communauté en pleine croissance
Nouveaux partenariats
Février 2018
Préparation pour l'événement principal de vente
Conformité et réglementation
Développer une version plus complète de Photochain DAPP
1er trimestre 2018
Événement de vente principal (ICO)
Publication de nouveaux partenaires de collaboration
Conformité réglementaire pour notre événement principal de vente
T2 2018
Photochain DApp Version 1.0 sur l'Ethereum
Trading des jetons PHT lors des échanges cryptographiques
T3 2018
Amélioration continue
Photochain DApp en tant que client autonome sur tous les systèmes d'exploitation courants.
Pour plus d'informations:
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