Since firstappearing on the planet, humankind has been constantly inventing new ways to organizeand increase
the scale of cooperation with more and more effective structures, from the nuclear family and tribes to states,
corporations, and the global economy. The mostadvanced organization thus far, the Internet, opened the door
for real-time information exchange at a worldwide scale, but it lacks the economic means for general-purpose
coordination and global peer-production. The Blockchain made this possible by providing areliable, open and
programmable accounting system, consequentially leading to the invention of the Decentralized Autonomous
Organization (DAO).
DAOs are open, self-organized collectives coordinated by economic incentives and self-executing code,
cooperating around shared goals. Powered by the network effect, DAOs providearevenue modeland incentive
for the production of open, shareable resources (such as open-source code and a music file). With the creation
of more open resources, the DAO will beable to scale indefinitely while keeping itsagility and coherence,and in
many cases outcompete existing corporate structures. DAOs have attracted top talents in the blockchain space,
holding promise for more efficientand resilient organizations. Despite this, they have lacked critical elements to
be successfully deployed so far, and in particular an adequate decentralized governance system.
DAO: The Future of Organization
The ability to well-organize and coordinate a large number of individuals is one of the greatest forces (and
drivers) of society, which has gone through constant evolution over thousands of years. In this chapter we
describe the challenges of the legacy organization today, and a new possible form of web organization: the
Legacy Organizations
Cooperation of agents increases their efficiency with respect to external competing market forces. This is the
basic origin of the company and the reason organizations want to grow. However, coordination of large
number of agents is difficult and costly, and that is why organizations cannot grow indefinitely.
The foundations of a thriving DAO ecosystem

Arc is an evolutionary framework for scalable governance
Arc supports an infinite number of governance elements. Its library of schemes and global constraints will evolve as the DAOstack ecosystem grows, with new templates and modules developed and added by the open-source development community and third parties.
Every DAO’s governance structure is made of small building blocks – governance modules, or elements – that can easily be added, combined, edited or removed. Modules do not need to be redeployed onto the blockchain, but rather only referred to, saving storage and operation costs and enhancing security.
The governance structure of each DAO can easily be upgraded to use new schemes and constraints, or different parameters of existing ones. More granularly, each DAO created through Arc comes with a particular set of rules, which by default include the rules to change the rules.
DAOstack runs on GEN
GEN is the native token of the DAOstack platform. Basic operations across the DAOstack ecosystem – such as promoting proposals – will require the spending or holding of GEN. GEN will be distributed to contributors of value through the DAOstack framework itself, incentivizing development, promotion and adoption
GEN Distribution
We’re partnered with a diversity of innovative projects and leading organizations
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